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Welcome to our new site!

Welcome to our new website and blog!

After a couple of months of planning, we are delighted to announce the launch of our new website.

viking paints official blogWe hope you like our new look which is designed to make it easier to find the information, products and answers you are looking for. Our team at Viking Paints hope you like the feel of the design and layout of the site. We worked closely with our development team to deliver a easy to navigate and forward thinking modern design approach. This site is fully responsive and compatible with smartphones, tablets and all platforms across the board.

We will be updating our blog on a regular basis to keep you in touch with all the new things happening and products launching at Viking Paints, Inc.

Take a moment to explore our new site, perhaps bookmark us, and be sure to check back regularly for more information about our services as well as useful painting news and tips.